Monday, September 12
Goal: Develop and utilize vocabulary in context
- Share weekend highlights
- Finish reading Malcolm X's "Learning to Read" and 3 column notes
- Determine class vocabulary words (HW: define words)
4th period:
Digressing, Glutted, Bestial, Occidental, Machinations, Chancellories, Faustian
5th period:
Occidental, Digressing, Machinations, Flogged, Emulate, Atrocities, Feigned
6th period:
Bestial, Exploitation, Atrocities, Machinations, Narcotize, Emulate, Feigned
Tuesday, September 13
Goal: Develop and utilize vocabulary in context
- Vocabulary Log established (running list of vocabulary, to be tested)
- Use each word in a context revealing sentence
- Create "examples/non-examples"
- Illustrate each word
Wednesday, September 14
Thursday, September 15
Goal: establish writing communities for effective peer feedback; use graphic organizer to organize thoughts
- Assign Literary History paper
- Begin brainstorming reading strategies
- Graphic organizer--begin in class, finish as homework
Friday, September 16
Goal: establish writing communities for effective peer feedback; use graphic organizer to organize thoughts
- Graphic organizer due; establish writing communities
- Begin drafting literary history paper
- RD due Monday (typed, double spaced, TNR size 12)